Your To Do List for Skyrocketing Income in the Coming Years

Your To-Do List for Skyrocketing Income in the Coming Years

Bequests and Legacies
We’ve been focusing for the past couple of weeks on the research that shows us how important bequest revenue from donors can be – two to four times as much as ordinary donation revenue. But it doesn’t just happen. There…
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Pop art Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds Are a Potential Fundraising Goldmine – If You Do the Right Things

Major and Mid Value Donors
Donor Advised Funds (DAF) in the USA and UK (called PAFs in Australia)  are a very big deal, and getting bigger. They have gone from being a sort of fringe way some donors gave, to a massive and important donation…
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Pop Art Yes

4 Types of Surveys for Fundraisers – 3 Are Good, One is GREAT

Fundraising Resources
Surveys are an important tool in any kind of marketing, including fundraising.  Here are four distinct types of survey that you might consider using in your fundraising program: 1.  Quantitative research survey This one is meant to give you a…
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Pop Art Wow

How the Supporter Connection Survey Transformed This Fundraiser Forever

I had never fundraised before. Neither had my colleague, Carrie.  But to keep our mission at ECAD going strong, fundraising is a necessity. People with disabilities count on our service dogs to help them gain greater independence and mobility. So…
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treasure chest 1024x768

This Breakthrough in Donor Surveys Can Unlock a Treasure Trove of Bequests

Bequests and Legacies
It may sound unbelievable… Right now, you have donors who are ready to include your organization in their will. They want to leave a legacy that changes the world for future generations. And they’re just waiting for you to ask!…
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Pop Art Personalised Experience

Want More Fundraising Revenue? Give Donors a Personalised Experience!

Direct Mail, Writing
You’re at a party with people chatting all around you. You can’t hear specific conversations.  But then something happens: your name is mentioned.  Instantly, your attention is captured!* Your brain has an amazing ability. It sifts and sorts through millions…
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Moceanic pop art Survey Question

The Strange Survey Question that Can Help You Uncover Your “Hidden” Major Donors

Major and Mid Value Donors
I could hardly believe it the first time I saw it, but here’s a question that can help you raise a lot of extra money from donors you never knew had the capacity to give large donations. Here’s the question:…
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Pop Art Woman Laptop Excited

7 Boring Ways to Transform Your Fundraising

Fresh out of college in the mid-1990s, I took a traveling sales job. My responsibility was to sell as many industrial tools and supplies as possible. Yes, that’s just as exciting as it sounds.  My liberal arts education hadn’t trained…
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Pop Art Robot Red Heart

€60,000 of extra fundraising revenue — and that’s not all!

Fundraising Training Needs
Corinna Wagner of ADRA Austria faces a situation a lot of us struggle with: A small donor file. Her donors are great. But without the scale of a larger file, it can be a challenge to make campaigns really work…
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Pop Art Businessman watered money dollars from a watering can

The Most Important Gift from Your Donor – It’s the 2nd, Not the 1st!

Direct Mail, Donor Care, Donor Love
I started my working life in customer service, selling women’s shoes. This had two major impacts on my life.  I have a shoe addiction that appears to be incurable. I have always believed that understanding your customer leads to the best…
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