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How We Survived the End of Cheques, What We Learned, and What You Can Do Now

Crises Fundraising, Direct Mail
A “storm” hit the charity community in New Zealand a few years ago. It did some serious damage. But it could have been much worse, if not for the work of some wide-awake organisations and people. The storm: the end…
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Pop art Yes bubble

How the 40-40-20 Rule Gives You Freedom, Confidence, and Success in Fundraising

Creativity, Direct Mail
Let me share a rule I learned from a grizzled old-time direct response professional. He learned it from the classic days of commercial direct response, when he’d spent years creating direct mail for magazine subscriptions. It’s called the 40-40-20 Rule. …
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Pop Art writer paper

5 More Winning Ways to Start Your Next Fundraising Appeal

Direct Mail, Writing
Lisa Sargent’s last post on this blog, 6 Winning Ways to Start Your Next Fundraising Appeal, was so popular, that we asked her to give you even more! Over to Lisa… The right lead on a fundraising letter is like…
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Pop Art Start

6 Winning Ways to Start Your Next Fundraising Appeal

Direct Mail, Writing
Ah, the terror of the blank page.  That blank screen – that blinking cursor – that unstarted fundraising appeal – staring back at you from the void.  Waiting for you to let it soar with a clear, powerful, captivating lead……
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An Integrated Multichannel Fundraising Campaign Is Easier Than You Think

An Integrated Multichannel Fundraising Campaign Is Easier Than You Think

Digital Fundraising, Direct Mail, Time Management
I remember that panicked feeling that arose when someone suggested doing an integrated multi-channel fundraising campaign. What it meant to me, the frontline copywriter, was four times as much work crammed into the same amount of time as a “normal”…
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Pop Art Personalised Experience

Want More Fundraising Revenue? Give Donors a Personalised Experience!

Direct Mail, Writing
You’re at a party with people chatting all around you. You can’t hear specific conversations.  But then something happens: your name is mentioned.  Instantly, your attention is captured!* Your brain has an amazing ability. It sifts and sorts through millions…
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Do I Still Love Premiums!? (2022 update added)

Direct Mail, Bequests and Legacies, Major and Mid Value Donors, Monthly Giving
Are premium direct mails still pulling their weight in donor acquisition? Direct mail, and in particular, premium direct mail, provided the largest source of new ‘one-off’ donors in Australia and New Zealand in 2016.  Also, direct mail is also the…
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Should You Dive into Direct Mail? Here’s What You Need to Know First

Direct Mail, Maths of Fundraising
You’ve heard the news: Direct Mail is not dead. In fact, it’s still where much of the action is for fundraisers. Does that mean your organisation should dive into Direct Mail if you are not already doing it? Maybe. I’m…
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Pop Art Senior Woman Riding Scooter e1570866857578

2 Truths Your Donors Wish You Understood about Direct Mail

Creativity, Direct Mail, Donor Care, Donor Love, Donor Psychology, Writing
I am a Gen Xer. I am not the core target market for direct mail. In my early twenties I had to learn two lessons quickly in order to do my job as a Fundraising Appeal Manager. Lesson one: The…
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Pop Art Blue Letterbox with letters

What Your Direct Mail is Like for Real People

Direct Mail, Donor Psychology
I’ve spent a good decade and a half defending direct mail. Mostly in response to anxious nonprofit insiders saying things like “I’d hate to get all the mail we send.” I won’t pretend everyone you mail wants it. And I…
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