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Book Review: How Your Organization Can Achieve Greatness

Boards and Fundraising
Great Fundraising Organizations: Why and How the World’s Best Charities Excel at Raising Money by Alan Clayton A few years back, I worked with a nonprofit client, a large organization that you may have heard of, writing direct mail and…
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The 6 Drivers of Nonprofit Fundraising Growth

Boards and Fundraising, Fundraising, Strategy
Fundraising can often feel overwhelming. There is pressure to deliver immediate results while also planning for sustainable growth. It is possible – if you have all the resources you need.  As you know, fundraisers are often asked to achieve miraculous…
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The Type of Board Member Who Can Transform Your Fundraising (In a Good Way)

Boards and Fundraising
One of the best things you can have as a professional fundraiser is a board member who is also a professional fundraiser. Why would you need that? After all, you’re really good at your job! Do you need more help?…
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4 Steps to Make Your Boss Your Fundraising Ally

Boards and Fundraising, Leadership
One of the common conversations in our members-only Facebook community is frustration with bosses or board members making damaging decisions about fundraising — like cutting a multi-page letter down to one page.  It’s common. You’ve probably experienced it too. You…
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When Someone in Your Organization HATES Fundraising: 4 Ways to Win Them Over

Boards and Fundraising, Leadership, Stewardship
Okay, you’re really getting fundraising down. Your stuff is good. You’re telling great stories, sharing a lot of love with your donors, and putting powerful fundraising offers in their hands. Congratulations! But that doesn’t always mean all is well. We…
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[VIDEO] How Advertising and Awareness Campaigns Work in Fundraising

Boards and Fundraising, Branding
Will a big awareness campaign improve your donor acquisition efforts? The answer may surprise you. This short video (13 minutes) will give you some very useful information for what could be one of the most important strategic decisions you make…
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Things You Wish Your Board Knew about Fundraising

Boards and Fundraising
Your Board matters. What they know or don’t know, understand or misunderstand, can make the difference between results that take you to new heights — or systemic failure that you can’t overcome. The challenge is that there’s no knowledge requirement…
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How Professional Help Can End Board-Member Burn-Out … and Keep Your Organization Alive and Well

Boards and Fundraising
Jeff Brooks is facing a problem — one that’s outside his area of expertise. He doesn’t know what to do, so he turned to the amazing Simone Joyaux for help. We thought you’d enjoy listening in on their conversation…. Jeff:…
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This Nonprofit Leader Needs to Resign. Do You Have Someone Like That?

Boards and Fundraising, Coronavirus
What I’m about to tell you is a true story. In fact, the story is still playing out, which is why I’ve changed some of the details to hide the identity of the players. You’ll see why pretty quickly. A…
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VIDEO: What Your Board Should Do During the COVID-19 Crisis

Boards and Fundraising, Coronavirus
Simone Joyaux knows nonprofit boards. She travels the world to meet with boards and help them be their best. And now, with a crisis raging that threatens the mission — even the existence — of some nonprofit organizations, boards need…
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