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The Best of the Best: Our Top 10 Blogs of 2024

Do you believe in the Pareto Principle? If you’re a fundraiser, you should. Early 20th century economist Vilfredo Pareto noticed that in his garden, 20% of the pea plants produced 80% of the peas. He then started looking around, and…
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Pop Art Great

7 Ways to Encourage Your Donors to Upgrade Their Giving

Major and Mid Value Donors
There’s an important truth in fundraising that can help you succeed – but it can also seriously limit your income potential. It’s this: Most donors give about the same amount they’ve given before. Someone who donates $50 is more likely…
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Domino's Pizza learned and put to work in their marketing.

VIDEO: How to Use — or Misuse Donor Lifetime Value

Maths of Fundraising
Professor Adrian Sargeant of The Philanthropy Centre, talks about Donor Lifetime Value – an important measurement that can vastly improve your fundraising if you use it well… or dig you into a very deep hole if you use it poorly!…
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Mid-Value Donors: Neglected and Desperate to Help

Fundraising, Major and Mid Value Donors
Harvey McKinnon, Harvey McKinnon Associates, and Sean Triner, Fundraisingologist at Moceanic, discuss that important group of donors who fall between your top donors and your general donors. Learn how to treat them and communicate with them in ways that will…
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Make More for Your Cause with the Pareto Principle

Finding Your Best Donors with the Secret of “Pareto Squared”

Direct Mail, Major and Mid Value Donors, Maths of Fundraising
If you are a fundraiser, you probably already know all about the Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule. This rule tells you that 80% of revenue will come from 20% of your donors. But you might not yet have heard about…
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Sorry darling

Sorry Darling, Not Everyone Wants a Relationship With You

Donor Love, Major and Mid Value Donors, Maths of Fundraising, Monthly Giving
It’s a question that many fundraisers ask me about mid-value donors. And it’s one of the key things that came up at my webinar All About Mid-Value Donors yesterday: How can I identify those donors ‘worth’ an extra investment in time…
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Make More for Your Cause with the Pareto Principle

Make More for Your Cause with the Pareto Principle

Major and Mid Value Donors, Maths of Fundraising
When we founded Pareto Fundraising, my friend Paul and I named it that for a reason: The mathematical concept of the Pareto Principle. Most people in direct marketing understand the principle in general. They get that 80% of your income will…
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The Calculation That Can Chart Your Future

Maths of Fundraising, Major and Mid Value Donors
Net Present Value Net present value (NPV) is a finance term that’s meant to help you decide whether an investment is worthwhile or not. It’s pretty much the same for fundraisers, who can calculate NPV this way: Total projected lifetime…
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Should My Pareto Score Worry Me?

Trends, Benchmarking, Maths of Fundraising, Monthly Giving
Should you be concerned about your Pareto ‘score’? Following a post on Moceanic Facebook about the Pareto Principle, Daniel Peyton from Habitat for Humanity asked me if there was a Pareto split that a charity fundraiser should be concerned about. For…
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Pareto Principle

How Accurate is the Pareto Principle?

Maths of Fundraising, Monthly Giving
Hopefully, you know all about the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule.   In fundraising, it means concentrating more resources on the 20% of people who would, theoretically, give you 80% of your future revenue.   Pareto2 (Pareto…
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