Harvey McKinnon, Harvey McKinnon Associates, and Sean Triner, Fundraisingologist at Moceanic take a close look at direct mail, the most important source of donors and donations in most countries around the world.
Direct mail not only raises a lot of money … it is the best source for major donors and future bequests. These two factors alone make direct mail a must-do for many nonprofit organisations.
Click here to sign up for The Fundraisingology Lab and get access to our course 7 Steps to Creating Record-Smashing Direct Mail and many more.
Sean Triner is a Co-Founder of Moceanic and Pareto Group. With over three decades of experience in fundraising and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in mathematics, Sean has a wealth of fundraising expertise to share with Moceanic members and blog readers. He is also a coach and available for bookings on the Coaching+ program for fundraisers to help answer your questions and work hands-on directly with you.
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“I promise you, direct mail is going to die…..at least in the next hundred years”. Classic! Great little video and definitely one I am sending onto the CEO and possibly Board. A short sharp video to reassure the Board that our 2018 plan is a good one!