We’re closed for now and completely dedicated to working with our members to maximize their fundraising.
But we’ll be opening soon. Please make your reservation now to join The Fundraisingology Lab and be the first to know when we re-open.
Curious what happens for members of The Fundraisingology Lab? Check out these powerful stories from our members …
We’re Better Together
I am getting so much out of this group and the expertise it provides! I was really churning and struggling before with decisions, but there’s no reason to when so many smart people have the answers … I mean, we’ve got experts like Jeff Brooks who have been doing this for 30 years! It boggles my mind and makes me so glad that I’m no longer in the dark trying to figure things out for myself.
Sarah, Vermont, USA
I’m so grateful to be in the group and to be able to ask the experts I’ve followed for years for advice. Such a gift! Thank you!
Kerry, Wyoming, USA
#Noparticularreason but I LOVE this group! … seeing how generous everyone is with their advice, sharing their projects and generally encouraging each other. This may be the best tribe to be in.
Judy, UK