New Years Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions to Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever

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A great way to start the New Year is to think about the positive changes you want to make and put them in writing as Resolutions.

Of course, you can do this any time you want, but there’s something about that change of calendar that makes it more “official.”

We asked our community of Fundraisingologists and thought-leaders what they are resolving for 2021. We think you’ll agree there are some great ideas here that can transform your 2021!

Jeff Brooks

I hope I never forget how amazing donors have been during the pandemic. I remember how nervous we all were at the beginning: Would donors go into some kind of protective hibernation and not give until things cleared up? No! They gave at record levels. April, May, and June were like three Decembers in a row. July and August — slow fundraising months for many — were the best ever months for many. Year-End giving also broke records for many. We don’t know what’s next, but I think it’s safe to say donors will continue to be amazing!

Also, I resolve not to grow complacent about changing the world. It’s just as urgent as ever that we fight for what is good!

Julie Cooper

I resolve to plan my fundraising projects more carefully in 2021. I tend to jump in and then feel my way through as I go. While there are some benefits to “jumping in” with gusto, it usually costs me time. I’m going to spend more time making sure I gather all the resources first… and most of them are right at my fingertips!

Simone Joyaux

Embrace donor stories. Donors give through charities to fulfill their own aspirations. Inviting them to share their stories with our charities is active love. It demonstrates respect and admiration … we are honoring our donors.

Embrace lifelong learning. Fundraising and nonprofit management and governance are bodies of knowledge, not personal opinions. How can one call oneself a fundraising professional without pursuing the body of knowledge? I want my accountant and lawyer and neurologist to always be reading the most recent stuff…to be lifelong learners. 

Sarah Lawson

To do the best with what I already have and build community with the people – donors, fundraisers, friends, family – that are already around me.

Fiona McPhee

To prioritize understanding our donors and meeting their needs.

To be brave, keep pushing for investment in fundraising; it is the best return on our organizational investment.

Harvey McKinnon

To do more to encourage non-profits to invest in growing their monthly giving sustainer programs.

To do more to encourage non-profits to invest in growing their legacy giving programs. The return on investment is higher than any other area for almost all organizations.

I will strive to remember that gratitude turns what we have into enough.

Sean Triner

To have lots of free calls with charities on donor acquisition before they invest in growth.

I plan to stop complaining about the state of democracy. It is better than any alternative so far!

Erica Waasdorp

To write my next book, yes, really, to help nonprofits of all sizes grow their number of monthly donors. It’s been a long time coming!

To continue to be a mentor, coach, helper, when it comes to anything direct mail and monthly giving related.

Join these members of The Fundraisingology Lab by Moceanic. They’re experiencing the value of community, a group of like-minded fundraisers who support and help each other — plus all kinds of courses, templates, checklists, and other resources that can help you go to new places as a fundraiser. More information here.

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  • Jeff Brooks

    Jeff Brooks is a Fundraisingologist at Moceanic. He has more than 30 years of experience in fundraising, and has worked as a writer and creative director on behalf of top nonprofits around the world, including CARE, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Feeding America, and many others.

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  • As I read this blog post I am reminded of T. Clay Buck’s annual New Year’s tradition of selecting three words to guide him during the year. I myself hadn’t arrived at 3 words until reading your blog post today (January 6th). So I vow to practice more patience; show more gratitude; and exhibit more kindness. If these three words (patience; gratitude; kindness) guide me throughout all of my days in the coming year it should also improve my fundraising in all areas. That is my hope 🙂 Happy New Year everyone and thank you for your leadership and inspiration – you give me strength even when I may not realize I needed it. What a great community of human beings to be a part of!!!!!


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