I’m so thankful for Moceanic and The Fundraisingology Lab group on Facebook!
Everything I’ve learned — particularly about putting the donor’s desires and needs first, and respecting how donors want to be communicated with — is really bearing fruit with me now.
When I arrived at my current organization, there were a few major donors who simply were not returning calls or emails from our leaders. They weren’t responding to appeals, either.
Through reaching out to them in a much more donor-centric way, gently and consistently (and not always asking for money), and especially through communicating how we genuinely cared for and prayed for them through the pandemic, I finally broke through.
I was finally able to arrange personal visits with two of them … on their terms, on their turf, and serving their needs.
Here’s how: After doing more research on them, it was obvious that both of these good people and their families were accomplished professionals. They were private people, but highly involved in their local and faith communities.
A few initial phone calls allowed us to get to know one another as human beings, without an ask. We simply expressed our concern and prayers. We offered to meet with them and gave them an opportunity to spend private time with our organization’s founder, who is well-known and well-respected.
In their excitement now to see us, the donors pulled together more people to join us when we met! When we met with them, it was among a group of their colleagues and friends. By serving and honoring their desires, we gave them the opportunity to be heroes to their friends!
The results? In our hands during one visit, a check for $100,000, and a pledge for $400,000 more. And arriving from the other donor, quite unceremoniously in a handwritten envelope addressed directly to my attention, a check for $1 million. Yes, a million dollars. Both gifts unrestricted.
Added bonus? I am making a career move. I am the new (and first!) Executive Director of the Julia Greeley Home in Denver.
And I’m taking Moceanic with me!
Thank you for all you do, you wonderful people at Moceanic! I can only imagine what will happen as I continue to take EVEN MORE of your courses!
Join Mary and many other great fundraisers who are experiencing transformative growth for their organizations — and their careers — when you join The Fundraisingology Lab by Moceanic. It’s a true community, the thing we all need most right now — plus all kinds of courses, templates, checklists, and other resources that can help you go to new places as a fundraiser. More information here.
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Way to go, Mary 🙂