Ten thirty PM on 28 July 2016. Well, a little after because Chelsea Clinton was going on about how good her mom was. The commentator on the TV said “Chelsea Clinton extolling her mums virtues. It seems she’s like a mother to her”.
They got bored of Chelsea and started yapping about other stuff.
Four days of this. Parties (the drinking type, not political) every night. I still don’t get these $250m+ conventions.
But here I am, at a friend’s house in Massachusetts watching the inauguration of the first woman to be a contender for President of the USA. About time too.
I’ve always thought America was progressive on women’s rights but it is pretty amazing that we had to wait to 2016 to see a woman accepting the nomination from the ‘progressive’ party of America.
American politics is not in a good place – unlike my home countries, England and Australia who have both had a great couple of months in politics 😉 – it is like watching an unbelievable soap opera.
But here we go.
Let’s not get carried away.
“It would be historic to have a woman in the White House. But if we are to embrace a feminism that concerns itself with more than the inclusion of women (particularly wealthy white women) in corporate capitalism and US imperialism, then we need a President who is willing to challenge the status quo. We need a leader unafraid to stand up to a system that idolizes profit at the expense of human decency, and who will work to replace it with one that serves the interests of all its citizens.”
Julia Sharpe-Levine, Huffington Post.
(PS – I love the financial news reminding us who is really in charge around the edge of the TV :))