Your Complete Roadmap to Raising Money with Bequests

You can have a solid, successful bequest fundraising program up and running in fewer than 60 days. This legacy training course — taught by planned giving expert Christiana Stergiou — is your quick path to building a steady stream of legacy gifts that will be coming in for years into the future.

Overcome that sense of overwhelm that stops so many fundraisers from starting. When you take this course, you’ll be confidently building your own planned giving program immediately and raising impressive funds. That’s five and six-figure (and even higher) donations that can change the financial picture of your organization.

Even if your organization is tiny. Even if your budget is maxed out and you’re under-staffed. Even if you are a committed introvert. Even if everyone tells you it can’t be done! When you take this fundraising training course, you’ll start confidently building your bequest program immediately.

Five practical how-to modules will help you set up your bequest program and have it running like a machine in just a couple of months:

  1. Getting Started: The Key Things You Need to Know About Bequests and Donors
  2. 4 Cornerstone Tools to Get Your Organization Ready for Bequest Fundraising
  3. Hands Up, Please! How to Find Your Lovely Bequest Donors
  4. Your 3-Step Mini-Plan to Turn Hand-Raisers into Signers
  5. Life-Long Love for Your Most Important Supporters

PLUS — Bonuses and extras designed to help you put your knowledge to work right away, including video interviews with planned giving experts.

“The knowledge Christiana has given me today will mean our leads are not wasted. It means we’ll know who they are and what their connection with us is. And I know what steps to take to continue building a great bequest program.”

Rebekah King, Fundraising Manager, Australia

Get ready to take your fundraising to a new level with Your Complete Roadmap to Raising Money with Bequests. You can trust Moceanic for superior nonprofit communications and fundraising courses online.
This is a self-paced course and is exclusively available to members. Get the best fundraising training today. Click the button to check out The Fundraisingology Lab by Moceanic.