Create consistent income each month with a monthly giving program. Monthly giving can be revolutionary for your fundraising, for your donors, and for your career! This fundraising training course, taught by recurring donations expert Erica Waasdorp, will help you to start, manage, and expand a monthly donor program.
Monthly Giving: The Recurring Revolution
Get a steady stream of recurring donations flowing in every single month, like clockwork! You’ll be on your way to predictable revenue so that you can plan your budgets with more confidence and ease.
You’ll learn how to get started on your monthly giving program — and how to make sure you’ve got all the systems in place for success. Find out how to use direct mail to ask supporters to become monthly donors — and how to use email to boost your results!
Discover tips for retaining your monthly donors. How and when to upgrade your monthly donors. How to reactivate your lapsed monthly donors. And what to do when a donor wants to cancel their monthly gift.
Three practical and actionable workshops to help you get started with your monthly giving fundraising:
- Getting Started With Monthly Giving
- Asking Your Donors to Give Monthly
- Monthly Giving Retention, Upgrades and More
PLUS — Bonuses and extras designed to help you put your knowledge to work right away, including monthly giving program examples.
Get started with your monthly giving fundraising today. You can trust Moceanic for real-world and practical fundraising courses online. For your organization and you!
The Recurring Revolution course is self-paced and is exclusively available to members. Get the best fundraising training today. Click the button to check out The Fundraisingology Lab by Moceanic.