How to Raise Money and Change the World

Do you do activist fundraising? If so, this fundraising training is just for you! Discover hands-on, easy-to-implement, and proven tactics that can help your progressive activist organization raise a lot more money. Taught by fundraising activist Harvey McKinnon, this course will help you bring campaigning and fundraising together in a new way that super-powers both.

Too many progressive organizations struggle with fundraising. They’re not raising what they need to make meaningful change happen. It’s time to change that. And this course will make change happen. For you and your cause.

You’ll learn how to spot opportunities to outflank your opponents. How to write copy that compels people to make gifts to your cause. How to find the best fundraising channels for your organization. How to make video work to rally people and raise money.

With your improved nonprofit communications, you’ll do amazing things like protect civil liberties and promote justice… save the earth and spread peace — and you’ll be a hero to your family and your community.

Four targeted modules will give you proven strategies and techniques to raise millions and change the world:

  1. Fundraising Myths, Realities, and How to Build a Monthly Giving Program
  2. The Secrets of Copy and Design – Motivating Donors to Take Action and to Donate
  3. Campaigning and Fundraising – How to Run Effective Campaigns, Seize Opportunities and use Special Events to Build Connections and Raise Money
  4. Learning How to Ask for the Big Gifts, How to Use Videos and How You Can Get the Ultimate Gift – a Bequest

PLUS — A wealth of bonuses and extras designed to help you put your knowledge to work right away.

“Harvey McKinnon just may be the smartest person at getting people to give money to good causes in North America. He works from his heart. His values are powerful. He inspires people to give.”

– Paul Loeb, Author, Soul of a Citizen

Get ready to discover how to do activist fundraising the right way. You can trust Moceanic for superior, real-world and practical fundraising courses online.

The course is self-paced and is exclusively available to members. Get the best fundraising training today. Click the button to check out The Fundraisingology Lab by Moceanic.