This 60-minute workshop is for you if you connect with donors who are passionate about arts and culture — or any cause where you aren’t “rescuing” someone from a bad situation. In this fundraising training, you’ll find out how to motivate donors without “big-eyed puppies” — a challenge you can overcome when you know how! With Jeff Brooks.
Fundraising For Arts and Culture
In this workshop, you’ll discover:
- The fundraising “rule” that you MUST break — at least some of the time
- The five key motivations of arts and culture donors
- Three must-do ways to really connect with donors
PLUS, you’ll get your very own “puppy meter” — Jeff’s fun (and strangely useful) diagnostic tool for fine-tuning your fundraising message!
This workshop is perfect for anyone who fundraises for the performing arts, museums, arts and historic venues, public broadcasting, education, even houses of worship and local parks and gardens.
This workshop is self-paced and is exclusively available to members. Moceanic offers a full catalog of workshops and fundraising courses. Click the button to check out The Fundraisingology Lab by Moceanic.